
The Elma project is managed by the Finnish Jazz Federation and carried out in collaboration with the KEMUT network. The expert partner is Positive Impact Finland, which is also responsible for the content and technical implementation of the platform.

The project has received support from the Ministry of Education and Culture (structural support for the renewal of the cultural and creative sectors), the Foundation for the Promotion of Performing Arts and the Foundation for the Promotion of Music. Additionally, Elma has received funding from member organisations of the KEMUT network.

Contact details of the working group

Project Manager Anu Ahola / anu.ahola (at) / Tel. 050 569 0505
Project Producer Petra Piiroinen / petra.piiroinen (at) / Tel. 041 548 7098
Expert Elina Levula / elina.levula (at) / Tel. 044 024 0390
Executive Director Maria Silvennoinen (administration, Finnish Jazz Federation) / maria.silvennoinen (at) / Tel. 050 536 7491
Concept Designer Hanna Linkola / hanna.linkola (at)
Service Designer Outi Ugas / outi.ugas (at)

Other contributors to the design of Elma are:

Merja Hottinen (KEMUT network, Music Finland)
Raisa Siivola (Finnish Jazz Federation)
Sheri Toivomäki (Finnish Jazz Federation)
Peppi Arrimo (Elma, Project Producer 2022–23)