Live Music Climate Roadmap and the study on climate impact

Finland’s Live Music Climate Roadmap and the study on the sector’s climate impact were published in June 2023. The two documents were produced in 2022–2023 as part of a broader project titled Carbon Footprint of Live Music.

The roadmap defines shared climate goals for the industry, as well as different ways to reduce negative climate impacts while increasing positive effects. In addition, the different roles within the live music sector’s climate action are outlined, identifying areas where each member can have an impact, and providing recommended actions for each group.

The climate roadmap was preceded by a 2022 study on the Finnish live music sector’s climate impact. The entire live music sector was invited to participate in the calculations. The study utilised carbon footprint calculations provided by 32 participants, mostly festivals. In addition to the data received from these calculations, the study incorporated existing data from previous carbon footprint calculations, and statistical information.

Both documents have been published at (The climate impact only in Finnish, an English language version will follow later in 2023.)

The Carbon Footprint of Live Music project was managed by the Finnish Jazz Federation, as part of a broader project titled Finnish Jazz Federation’s Carbon Neutral Touring Model. Project partners included other members of the network KEMUT. The roadmap and the study were designed and devised by Sitowise. The project has received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Music Foundation (MES), and its partners.