Elma partners

Elma's partners are Tiketti and Sitowise.

Meet Elma’s partners! This time, the spotlight is on Tiketti.


Positive Impact Finland Oy started developing Elma.live in 2022. Positive Impact is now part of Sitowise, and the development of Elma.live and the partnership will continue in Sitowise as a result of the acquisition. Sitowise is a Nordic specialist and digital company for the built environment. Its design and consulting expertise enables more responsible and smarter urban development and smoother mobility. Sitowise provides services in Finland and Sweden in the areas of real estate and buildings, infrastructure and digital solutions.

The Elma Steering Committee

Elma is backed and supported by key organizations in the live music industry: Finland Festivals ry, LiveFin, Music Finland, The Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Jazz Federation, and Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras. The steering committee consists of one representative from each organization.

KEMUT network

Elma originated as a collaborative project among the founders of the KEMUT network.

Key Finnish live music organizations, including Finland Festivals, LiveFin, Music Finland, The Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Jazz Federation, and Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras, came together in 2020 to build a more sustainable music industry. The resulting KEMUT (Toolkit for a more sustainable live music industry) network aimed to provide tangible tools for sustainable development in the music industry and promote ecological, social, economic, and cultural sustainability in the field of music.

In January 2021, the network published a report on environmentally sustainable practices in the live music industry, and in the fall of 2021, a plan for carbon footprint calculation in the live music industry was developed in collaboration with industry stakeholders.

In 2022, the network's collaborative projects involved creating a digital planning, training, and information-sharing platform for the live music industry called Elma.live, as well as calculating the carbon footprint of the Finnish live music industry.

In the summer of 2023, a report on the carbon footprint of live music in Finland and a Live Music Climate Roadmap were published. The development of Elma continues in 2023–2024. In early 2024, a separate project resulted in the release of the CO2 calculator on the platform.

Since the early days, the KEMUT network has expanded, and its members (as of May 2024) include, in addition to the founders, Globe Art Point, Gramex ry, IndieCo ry, The Finnish Folk Music Institute, The Global Music Centre, The Finnish Music Foundation (MES), Finnish Folk Music Association, Finnish Music Creators’ Association, The Finnish Music Publishers Association, The Finnish Live Entertainment Agency Association (SOA), The Society of Finnish Composers, and Music copyright association Teosto. Anu Ahola serves as the network's coordinator.


Funding for the development of Elma.live platform has been provided by the European Union, The Finnish Music Foundation (MES), the ESES foundation, and the founders of the KEMUT network. Additionally, the development of Elma has been supported by Gramex ry, Open Creative House Oy, Circus & Dance Info Finland, and Finnish Music Creators’ Association.

Elma extends its gratitude to all partners and supporters – providing the platform for free to industry stakeholders would not be possible without you!

Partner: EU Next Generation
Partner: Musiikin edistämissäätiö
Partner: Esittävän säveltaiteen edistämissäätiö
Partner: Suomen Jazzliitto
Partner: LiveFin
Partner: Music Finland
Partner: Finland Festivalds
Partner: Suosio
Partner: Muusikkojen liitto
Partner: Gramex
Partner: Open Creative House
Partner: Suomen Musiikintekijät
Partner: Sirkuksen ja tanssin tiedotuskeskus
Partner: Tiketti
Partner: Sitowise